Healing 2 minutes at a time

Happy Father’s Day- Life is ALWAYS worth celebrating!

Happy Father’s Day, Dad! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for teaching me one of my most important life lessons- the importance of celebration.  You celebrated EVERYTHING! There was always a reason to throw on Neil Diamond or your most recent 45 and have a spontaneous dance party in our living room.  Upon winning my school election, I came home to a celebratory sign on our garage door.   Every school success or failure was honored in some way- ranging from a choice of dinner to a silly home-made certificate telling me to get ‘em next time.  I was traveling when I received my college acceptance letter, and you even wrote a poem just to tell me the news over the phone.   At the Father Daughter dance at my sorority, you surprised me with our sorority letters in glitter on your cummerbund!!!  I can’t thank you enough for all of your love and for showing me by example the importance of celebration. 

As you can tell, it honestly did not matter how big or small the event, our family celebrated everything.

All of these celebrations were a blast, but more than it just being fun, these celebrations made me feel special and important.  This positive reinforcement in our home allowed me to take more risks outside of our house because I knew I could home to a celebration, regardless of the outcome.  There is no better way to handle life than through celebration.

It is no wonder then that I have found a way to turn the loss of my parents into an Angel Birthday celebration.  It is the only way I can truly honor them.  They loved a great party!   I feel like it’s why I was supposed to have a childhood of crazy celebrations- it needed to be ingrained in me so I could find a way to bring the love and light of celebration into the darkness of grief.

My Dad was amazing and I want to celebrate him and all of the fathers out there today.  None of this would be possible without you.  I toast you and hope all of you enjoy your special day.  Keep your party shoes on and remember that life is always worth celebrating!  Happy Father’s Day!

How do your angels show up for you?

Posted by on Sep 2, 2016 in Healing Your Grief Two Minutes at a Time weekly video series | 0 comments

How do your angels show up for you? You might remember my article from last year on Five Ways Our Angels Communicate with Us. Today we’re going to talk about a new, unique angel sign that showed up in my life today, and I hope it sparks the conversation for everyone here to share their unique angel signs that have shown up in their life recently. Yesterday, one of my best friends and I were talking about how her angels come into her life. For her, she sees hearts everywhere in answer to prayers and requests. She sees these...

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Every position is powerful- A life’s tale about the carousel

Posted by on Aug 26, 2016 in Healing Your Grief Two Minutes at a Time weekly video series | 0 comments

This summer, I took my daughters to our local beach boardwalk. The most wonderful part of this boardwalk is the vintage carousel that sits at the opening of the park. As part of the attraction, riders are able to grab a metal ring off of a metal sleeve from the wall and try their aim and luck at throwing this ring into a clown’s mouth painted onto the wall of the building. When you do make it into the mouth of the clown, which is no easy feat, there is music and lights and great celebration by the thrower and everyone around them. I...

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Getting past our reflection

Posted by on Aug 5, 2016 in Healing Your Grief Two Minutes at a Time weekly video series | 0 comments

Here is a picture of a puddle and the rest is the story that came about because of its reflection. Our life is often a reflection of our thoughts. Look around you and all that is happening in your life and see how it might just represent how you’re feeling in this moment. Now, this can be one of life’s greatest challenges when we’re grieving because our thoughts are frequently filled with sorrow, brokenness, and heartache. We grieve the life we once had before losing a loved one, a relationship or our health. So how can we...

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Find Your Crutches

Posted by on Jul 22, 2016 in Healing Your Grief Two Minutes at a Time weekly video series | 0 comments

May we all be so lucky to limp in pain… Let me explain. This week, I injured myself at the gym and haven’t been able to walk without a big limp for the last day. My family has bent over backwards to help me. They’ve done extra chores, extra errands and extra trips to the other end of the house for me. It’s been amazing to be cared for in this way, and I’ve been so grateful. They’ve seen the outward expression of my pain and responded with compassion, love and support. But it got me thinking…as...

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The intentional, mindful appointment wait

Posted by on Jul 15, 2016 in Healing Your Grief Two Minutes at a Time weekly video series | 0 comments

Being with our self. Just being. It’s something that takes practice and discipline in this “keep yourself busy” world that we are living in now, and it’s sometimes the best gift we can give ourselves… and others. Today I had a meeting at a busy corporate office. I arrived early for my meeting and sat in the lobby. I started to reach for my phone and decided I would be better served to settle into me. I wanted to take these next 15 minutes to get grounded, centered and present for my meeting. I sat in this...

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When all else fails…it’s time to brain dump

Posted by on Jul 8, 2016 in Healing Your Grief Two Minutes at a Time weekly video series | 0 comments

I just started working through The Artist’s Way.  If you are familiar with this book, you know it is filled with amazing techniques and recommendations on how best to clear your head, heart and mind from all the clutter, gunk and struggle we keep within us that prevents our creativity from rising to the surface. I have been so touched by this book and am passing along the technique that has revolutionized my life so far. It’s called the 3 minute brain dump. It is recommended that, upon awakening, you journal free-hand for...

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Holding Our Own Hearts

Posted by on Jun 24, 2016 in Healing Your Grief Two Minutes at a Time weekly video series | 0 comments

I heard a sad story today that is probably not the only one of its kind. A colleague was talking about her friend whose son was tragically killed. Her friend appeared to be in the same grief space she was in when her son had died years ago and she was concerned that she hadn’t begun to heal.  This grief thing…it is so tough.  We must be the commander of our own journey. We must know when it is time to halt the journey. We must know when to begin to start the motor and when it is time to begin to move full steam ahead. But...

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Seeking out our blessings

Posted by on Jun 16, 2016 in Healing Your Grief Two Minutes at a Time weekly video series | 0 comments

So often, we get attached to the way we think things are supposed to be. We think life is supposed to turn out a certain way. Certain people are supposed to be in our life. The truth is, if we can let go of that attachment to the who, what, when or why in our life, we will open ourselves up to receive and recognize the many blessings that are pouring onto us. Here is a sweet story about this very thing: … My daughter joined 4-H this year and is showing a chicken at our county fair. I worked very hard to ensure I registered her chickens...

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Getting to the truth with maybe…

Posted by on Jun 10, 2016 in Healing Your Grief Two Minutes at a Time weekly video series | 0 comments

So often tough, hard, unimaginable things happen in our life and we find ourselves in a place of trying to explain “the why” to a child, to a friend or even to ourselves and we just can’t get there. We can’t find the words. We don’t know why this had to happen, but it has happened and we seek answers. Answers aren’t always easy to come by, especially with the incredibly tough experiences we face. A friend of mine’s friend took her own life this week and she called to me to ask my guidance on how to...

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Hurt People Hurt

Posted by on Jun 3, 2016 in Healing Your Grief Two Minutes at a Time weekly video series | 0 comments

“Hurt People Hurt.” This is true whether or not the hurt person is 2, 12, 22, or 82. Perhaps we master our emotions as we age, or maybe we don’t. When we grieve, it doesn’t matter how much mastery work we have completed. Hurt people hurt. They hurt so much in their own hearts that hurt somehow gets inflicted onto those around them. It just happens. We don’t mean to do it on purpose, I promise.  So I’m writing this article on behalf of all of us who are grieving as a future apology for the many ways we...

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