Healing 2 minutes at a time

Do you wake up at 3 a.m. every night? What is your body telling you?

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Do you wake up every night between 3-5 a.m.? You are not alone. Many grieving people do. But do you know why?

Grief energy resides in our lungs. It’s why we can’t seem to catch a full breath or feel like a weight is on our chest. It’s why we find ourselves sighing all the time after losing a loved one. It’s not just because we’re sad. Our sadness actually creates energy that settles on our lungs. This heavy energy causes sighing, a heaviness on our chest, asthma or an increase in respiratory infections. Have you experienced any of these? Chinese Medicine refers to it as an energy blockage in the lung channel.

Although this grief energy resides in our lungs, our bodies naturally heal themselves. Every night between 3-5am, our lungs release that heavy energy in an attempt to clear and heal them. This release and energy blockage causes us to wake up.

This doesn’t just apply for our lungs and grief. Each organ in our body heals itself during a two hour span during our 24 hour day. What time of night are you waking up? When are you feeling sleepy or a little nauseous during the day? Begin to pay attention and a whole new world of information will be made available to you about what’s going on inside your body. It will tell you, if you listen.

Aren’t our bodies so awesome? They tell us everything we need to know. I truly love the human body- physically, emotionally, spiritually. It all works together. Our emotions can make us feel amazing and they can also make us very sick if we do not take the time to heal them and purge those emotions out of our bodies. That is why I am so grateful to see all of you here each week, showing up, working and doing what you can to heal.

Grief can only be healed through action. It’s OK to wait until you’re ready to heal. You’ll know when it’s time. But when you are ready, you’ll need to love yourself enough to begin to take those steps towards healing. Two minutes at a time is just enough. Keep showing up. Keep healing. Your body will thank you for it. Our emotions can make us very sick. Our stories can make us very sick. I see this all the time in my energy healing practice. I find the life situations that hurt us the most are the same ones that create the biggest blockages in our energy. It is these very blockages that make us sick. We must heal our hearts to heal our bodies.


Here’s a link to a great Chinese Body Clock that tells you what organ is healing at which time. It also details the emotion that affects the organ. It will help you heal your heart so you can help heal your body too.

24 Hour Body Clock

I can’t wait to hear what your bodies are working on this week. Have you been waking up at 3am? Have you been waking up at a different time? What emotions are you working on to heal your body? Share with us so we can help you heal too.

Love and Blessings,


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  1. What if there was a magic pill? Healing your grief 2 minutes at a time #85 » Angel Birthdays - […] which is why I was so inspired to share this suggestion this week. If you are finding that your grief…

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