Healing 2 minutes at a time

Our angels are always watching over us!

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The past few weeks have been really intense and filled with lots and lots and lots of work- both manual and mental labor. I met with one of my spiritual advisors on Monday and she told me to stop and spend some good quality time with my family. Drop the many pressures for a little while and really be present with my family. After dinner this week, we decided to go on a family walk and you will never believe what we saw directly above us during our family time together.


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The angels decided to join us for our family walk too. Even my husband was amazed by this beautiful cloud angel. He said, ” Wow! You can even see her face!” It was absolutely breathtaking. I took this as a huge sign that I was exactly where I needed to be and doing exactly what I needed to do. Instead of sending my kids off with their dad so I could catch up on work and dishes, I did what the angels had advised me to do. I took time to slow down and replenish.

A few weeks ago, we talked about how our angels leave us signs to let us know they are around us. However, I did not address clouds. Our angels absolutely leave us messages in the clouds. Have you ever seen a symbol that represented something special between you and your loved one who has passed away? Have you ever seen clouds that look like wings? All of these symbols are messages from our loved ones letting us know they love us and they are watching over us.

The next time you see a cloud from them be sure to give huge gratitude for their gift. Take it in and feel their love. They are always around us. We just have to look up.

I would love to hear about all of the beautiful cloud images you have seen from your loved ones. If you took a picture, please post it. I would love to see us fill this post up with our angels’ love. Share your story and help someone else feel inspired today. I can’t wait to hear your stories and see your pictures.





Love and Blessings,


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