Healing 2 minutes at a time

The power of our words

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Have you ever thought about the words you say to others?

Or more importantly the words you say to yourself?

If you think your words don’t matter, it’s time to think again.

Dr. Emote conducted a science experiment where he spoke words to water molecules and subsequently documented what happened to these molecules as they crystallized. The results were astonishing!

When positive words were spoken to the water molecules, they turned into beautiful crystals. When negative words were spoken to the water molecules, the water turned dark and ugly upon crystallizing.

Why should this experiment matter to us?

Our bodies are made up of approximately 60% water. So the words we speak to our bodies and to other bodies are incredibly important.

We have to ask ourselves, what are we building with our words?

But how can we possibly say something nice when our grieving hearts are broken?

When we are grieving, it is hard to always say the right thing to others, or to ourselves. Some days, we don’t want to say anything nice at all. We have days of sheer sadness, depression, hopelessness, anger or loneliness. The words that come out of our mouths naturally mirror our emotions.

But given what we’ve just learned from this amazing experiment, what should we do?

We can pause and realize that we don’t need to say wordS. We don’t need to put that much pressure on ourselves. We need to say A word. One. Just pick one. We’re going to pick one positive word for the day, repeat it in our heads and watch what happens to how we feel. Do you feel brighter? Maybe a little less heavy? And before you say something not nice to someone else, say that one word in your head and see how that changes your heart, or really how it changes the water in your heart. Saying one word takes no time at all but can create a healing ripple effect in your body and in your cells.

This exercise isn’t asking you to forget your grief, or your loved one.  It is helping to uplift the water in your body. It’s helping a dark day feel a little bit lighter and maybe a little less sad. Because it’s not just the words we speak to others that turn to crystals or gunk.

Our thoughts, the words we speak to ourselves, make the greatest difference in our lives.

How are you treating the water in your body this week? Here is the link to the amazing video showing the results of this amazing experiment. I really encourage you to watch it. It speaks louder than all of my words this week!

Dr Emote’s Results

What word are you using today? What word are you going to focus on to create beautiful crystallized water in and around your body?
Love and Blessings,

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