Healing 2 minutes at a time

GRIEF: Random Acts of Kindness: Healing your grief 2 minutes at a time #54

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We’ve all been in that place. That dreadful lonely place of grief where we find ourselves feeling like no one could possibly feel as lonely, or as sad or as hurt as we feel in this precise moment. It happens to all of us. But what if I told you that one simple act could help remedy you from this feeling and eject you from this place faster than you could ever imagine? Well, here it is…

Take a moment and do something kind for someone else.

I’m not sure if it’s the adrenal rush, or the pouring in of the universal love, or the sense of impending gratitude that you’re about to receive that makes random acts of kindness so powerful, but they are one of the most exhilarating and helpful ways to heal our hearts. Random Acts of kindness take you out of yourself. Your focus becomes external and your act of kindness helps pull you out of your dark rabbit hole of sadness when you find yourself plummeting.

So your challenge for the week is this: Perform one random act of kindness and report it on our Angel Birthdays Community Facebook Page. This will hold you accountable and will inspire others with ideas. It will also help others feel less alone in the fact that other people needed to use this tactic to get out of their dark places too.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

-Pay for the bridge toll for the car behind you
-Offer to walk a friend’s dog
-Pay for the Starbucks for the person behind you in the drive through line
-Pay for someone’s groceries.

This happened to me last week. There was this sweet woman behind me who wanted to buy two little mini-tartlets and I had a TON of groceries. She was standing there so patiently as I worked up a sweat while unloading my cart. I would have let her go ahead of me but my transaction had already started so instead, I asked the cashier to quickly add her tartlets to my bill and sent her on her way. She was astonished and we both felt fantastic. It was such a rush and I was reminded how powerful the act of giving is for our hearts. And I couldn’t help to think about what place this woman might have been in that day. Was she grieving too? Was she down and out? Did she need a sign that the universe was watching out for her?

That’s the great thing about this project. Whatever you choose to do, whoever you choose to help, trust and know you are being divinely guided to help that particular person in that particular way. It really is a perfect plan.

I can’t wait to hear what you choose to do and how fired up you feel afterwards. Even if you think you don’t have the energy to do it, I want you to try it anyway and see what happens. Your heart will thank you for it.

Love and Blessings,

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