No matter what we are trying to accomplish or heal, we can only give from overflow.
We must fill our own hearts first with love, compassion and understanding so we can give from a place that is filled and complete. Otherwise, we take too much from ourselves and end up feeling depleted, exhausted and depressed.
Life altering experiences require us to love ourselves in a bigger, greater, stronger way and it is imperative that we give ourselves the support we need. Whether you are struggling with a relationship loss, friendship change, death, illness, caring for an aging parent or stage of life change, the healing course is actually quite simple.
We love ourselves enough to heal and heal ourselves enough to thrive.
While the process is simple, the journey can be long, but it all starts the same way.
It begins with loving ourselves so much that we have the bandwidth to heal our own hearts. Because no one can heal our hearts for us. We may want others to rescue us or save us but that’s just not the purpose of grief. Grief is there to teach us how resilient we can be and how when we finally take the time to fill our hearts with love, we find that we can and will heal over time.
Once we begin to heal, thriving quickly follows. Maybe in small ways at first. Our entire life may not feel like it’s in thriving mode, but it can begin with a thriving moment. A thriving conversation. A thriving afternoon. As we begin to become more grateful for those thriving moments, we begin to collect more of them until we wake up one day and find that we are living a life where we are thriving as a changed, stronger, more resilient, more grateful and more compassionate human being. Thriving while realizing you simply could not be in this place of expanded appreciation without having gone through the journey, the pain, or the struggle.
This is why I am renaming my brand to Love. Heal. Thrive.
Same great healing. Same great message but a name that encompasses ALL the healing we are doing in this community. A name that shows that healing only happens through action. We must act and move to heal. We must “verb” to move forward on our healing journey and it all begins with love.
From now through Saturday, my correspondence is going to begin shifting over to LOVE. HEAL. THRIVE. and I could not be more excited! This name honors our process and shows us the way. Welcome LOVE. HEAL. THRIVE.
Where are you on your healing journey? Are you still learning to love yourself? Are you beginning to fill your heart with love? Have you begun to heal because you’re filled with enough self-love that you have the energy to heal? Or are you beginning to thrive after your struggle?
Share your story down below so we can help each other. If you’re working on Love, let us know so we can send you some love. If you are healing, what are you doing to heal? If you are thriving, what is happening? Share and inspire someone else who might need to be encouraged.
I can’t wait to hear your Love. Heal. Thrive. stories and excited to share this new look, feel and healing vision with you.
Sending you big love!
Love and Blessings,