Healing 2 minutes at a time

Healing through the Holidays: A letter to our loved one

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Tonight, children everywhere are going to leave special letters out for Santa and we’re going to join them.

However, our letters aren’t going to be written out to Santa.  Our letters are going to be written out to our loved ones. Whether we are grieving the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship or friendship, or a major life change, we are going to write a letter to that person, as if we’re having a holiday catch-up by the fire. Write out everything you would cover. Write about what is going on in your life, how much they mean to you , how much you miss them. Allow that cathartic process to happen in your heart. Write out everything you are feeling and any details you want to share with them. Treat it like the best conversation you’ve ever had with them. Let yourself feel connected and heard.

As if that wasn’t enough… here’s where the second part of the gift comes in.

Once you are finished with that letter, pull out another sheet of paper and write a letter from your loved one back to you. You see, there is emotion, sentiment and love living in your heart from your loved one that still needs to be shared. Give all of that goodness a way to unleash itself. Put pen to paper and allow it to flow and just witness what happens. Words, thoughts and love will come out of you that you never realized would come out of you, and it will be exactly what you needed to hear, read and feel. I have done this several times and every single time, I’ve written out exactly what I needed to read to heal my heart. It is truly the most beautiful gift you could give to both of you this holiday season.

We can’t wait to hear about your holiday letter writing. I hope this is an amazing holiday gift for you and helps you heal this holiday season. Please share your experiences with all of us so you can inspire others to write their letters too.

I am so thankful for all of you here and am soo grateful for all the support you lend to each other. It is so beautiful and the best gift I could ever ask for this holiday.



Sending big love to you!


Love and Blessings,


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