Healing 2 minutes at a time

Creating your Heart Masterpiece: Healing your grief 2 minutes at a time #50

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Two weeks ago, we cut out our paper Valentine’s hearts and wrote down everything we loved about our loved one.  I asked you to keep the exterior of the cutout for the special project we’re going to do today.   I want you to hold the cutout up and take a good look at it and ask this simple question:

Am I left with an empty heart or the canvas to create my very own Heart Masterpiece?

It’s a small shift in thinking but it is powerful.  Are we going to focus on the paper and the paper heart that is no longer there or are we going to focus on the heart-framed beauty that is now coming through the place where that heart had been once before?

I think this is a great physical representation of how our hearts feel when we’re grieving.  We do feel like our heart has been cut out…and maybe even wish it was some days because maybe it would hurt less.  But if we take a moment to think about what our loved ones would want for us now…I mean, REALLY want for us, what would that be?  Would they want your heart to be empty or to be filled with a beautiful masterpiece?

Well this week, we are going to create a masterpiece from what remains.  Take a look at your Valentine from two weeks ago where you wrote all of the attributes you loved the most about your loved one.  For each attribute, I invite you to write the correlating activity you could do in honor of what you loved the most about your loved one.

For instance, if she was an amazing cook, you could take a cooking class or invite a friend over and cook dinner for him.  If he was a great listener, call a friend and actively listen for 20 minutes or if he had the best hugs in the world, make a point to hug everyone you see.  Be sure to do all of these things with the INTENTION of honoring your loved one.  By honoring them, you will allow their love into your heart and it will begin to heal your grief as you use your loved one’s inspiration to get you engaged back into your own life. What a beautiful gift from our loved ones.  It is our love for them that will ultimately heal our own hearts.

I can’t wait to SEE your Heart Masterpieces.  Please post them in the comments down below along with your story about what has brought you here.  We all want to witness your grief and help you heal your heart.  Love is the most beautiful thing in the world and I can’t wait to see what kind of Masterpiece it will create for you.

Love and Blessings,



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