Healing 2 minutes at a time


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Hello Beautiful Person!  Welcome back to Healing your grief two minutes at a time. Today, I want to talk to you about socializing. One of the things that is one of the hardest parts of grieving is having to socialize. We might not be ready to move forward, but events in our lives and people in our lives are moving forward and that is really hard to handle. So, sometimes we just need to find a coping mechanism to deal with that event to help us get through it.

Today I want to share a tip with you that has been incredibly helpful for me.  I learned it from Louise Hay and it is sending love ahead of you.  Now I want you to close your eyes and picture wherever it is that you need to be today, and I want you to fill it with hearts and love and great energy.  And if there is someone there that is going to be particularly challenging for you, I want you to send them extra love and extra blessings.  I have even gone so far as to when I drive up to that place, I envision my own personal red carpet unrolling in front of me with red and hearts and love carrying me all the way to the destination.  And it’s not so much that you have changed the people that are there, although sending love and good energy is always helpful,  it’s more that you have changed yourself.  And that when you arrive, perhaps you arrive a little bit softer and a little more gentle, a little more authentic, maybe even a little more vulnerable.  But it then allows the people you are there to receive you in whatever place you are in today.

So, give it a try and let me know down below in the comments how it was for you.  I hope it was helpful and it helps you through maybe some of your upcoming social events. Be sure to hit the subscribe button while you are there so that you’re alerted to my videos that are up every Thursday and I wish for you a great week.  Hang in there.  It’s not the end of the road, it’s just a bend in the road.  I hope you have a great day. Take care.

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