Healing 2 minutes at a time

GRIEF: HEALING GRIEF 2 MINUTES AT TIME #7: The Ho’oponopono Blessing

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Hello Beautiful person! Welcome back to healing your grief two minutes at a time. Today, I am so excited to share with you one of the most helpful and effective tools I can give you for your toolbox. It is a beautiful Hawaiian Blessing called The Ho’oponopono Blessing and you use this, quite honestly, anytime your heart feels upset. Should you be upset with someone or someone is ill or someone has passed away and, perhaps, that relationship was kind of rocky when they went to be with the Lord, in any circumstance, this blessing is so effective and so helpful when said with a genuine heart.

Close your eyes and think about that person and then you say to yourself, or out loud, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.” I’m sorry because we all play a role and you need to have empathy to begin any sort of healing. Please forgive me because we all contribute to our own circumstance. I love you because love always heals and thank you because everyone in our life is a teacher for us, somehow, some way. Instead of being upset with someone, Ho’oponopono them instead and heal your own heart and heal that energy between the two of you. I hope that this brings you great healing and great love to your heart.

Please down in the comments down below, please leave any comments you would like to share, any stories you would like to share. Please subscribe to my channel and have a wonderful week. Aloha!

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  1. Asma

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