Healing 2 minutes at a time

GRIEF: HEALING GRIEF 2 MINUTES AT A TIME #11: Energy Follows attention grief journal

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Hello Beautiful Person!  Welcome back to healing your grief two minutes at a time. This week, I want to talk to you about a really beautiful concept that has really started to play itself out in my life.  It is that energy follows attention.  So what we put our time and attention on really begins to manifest itself in our life and I think this is particularly hard when we are grieving because there are days where we just feel really sad and we just really miss that person and that is OK.  I encourage you to spend your day that way.  I believe it is incredibly important that you honor where you are at today and that you let your heart feel all of the emotions your heart needs to feel  because if we don’t allow our heart to do that, it will not heal the way it needs to heal.  So please spend your day feeling that way, however I want you to get a spiral notebook or a journal and I want you to write down how you felt that day and what the effects were of that day.   Did something happen?  Was it maybe a harder day?  Or was it a more challenging day? Then, if the next day, you are able to give just one minute or two minutes of gratitude for what this person brought into your life or think about something great that has happened to someone else, or take flowers to someone else or go walk someone else’s dog.  Just spend a few minutes, it doesn’t even have to be all day, just a few minutes, and then write that down in your journal.  Then write the effect of what happened that day.  Did someone else stop by and bring you flowers?  Or did someone give you a call?  Did you receive a call from a friend that maybe you haven’t heard from in a long time?

That’s the thing: We attract what we think.  This concept is great not just when we lose a loved one, or are grieving the loss of a relationship that hasn’t worked out or a huge life change that is happening in our lives.  I think this is a really great life guide. It is fantastic for grief because I feel  it can help guide you and it can be a great catalog for you  and I think during this time we sometimes need a little push.  Honor where you are at but also if you can have a minute or two minutes to shift your thinking , it may prove to provide immeasurable healing.


I wish you great luck with your grief journal this week. I can’t wait to hear down in the comments below how it is going for you and what your cause and effects are and I wish you a wonderful week.  Take care!



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