Healing 2 minutes at a time

Does being in your home feel exhausting, depressing or heavy? This one easy trick can help!

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Has the energy in your home felt heavy lately? Does being in your home make you feel more sad or depressed? Do you feel “stuck” in your chores? Unmotivated to get anything done?

Well if so, you are not alone!

I felt that way this week too. The energy in my home felt so heavy that I felt like I’d never get ahead of the laundry, dishes, paperwork or unpacking. Just sitting in my home felt heavy, sad and depressing because so much was piled up. We’re trying so hard to get our life back to normal after all of this construction, but it’s been so hard and lately I’ve just lost my motivation. I’m so tired from the constant effort that this week, I felt like giving up. I was too tired, too exhausted and, quite simply, had too far to go to put things back in place.

I needed help. So I reached out to my dear friend, Gina Rossi, who is an amazing Feng Shui Practitioner and she suggested I use frankincense and myrrh in my home. She recommended I diffuse it as well as put it on my lightbulbs so it could burn off in the heat. I can’t even begin to tell you how much this simple step helped to invigorate me, heal my space and ultimately help heal my heart. I was able to get through the majority of my house tasks and felt great all day long.

It was so helpful that it inspired me to write this week’s blog on these healing essential oils. So I began to research a bit more, which I always do before writing, and look what I found out! I was floored! Everything came full circle when I found out the history behind these essential oils that I know and love.

Here’s what I do know about frankincense and myrrh:

I use them in my healing practice all the time. I love them. I know them to be the perfect complement, the perfect healing pair. One heals our mother issues, the other heals our father issues and together they bring perfect balance to our bodies and emotions.

But here is what I did not know:
In early Chinese medicine books, Frankincense was called fanhunxiang which means “calling back the soul” and was used for mourning the dead. Myrrh is called moyao which means bitter. These oils are both used to treat and heal traumatic injury.

I’m just not sure there is anything more traumatic or more bitter than grief. Wouldn’t you agree?

It just makes this pair of oils even more fantastic together. I could not believe the history I found and that these two oils are perfect grief healing oils! If you want to read more on the history itself, here is the link to the article.

Reading this history brought this whole overwhelm experience full circle for me and brought some great awareness to what is going on with my “stuff.” I realized that I’m not just tired from going through boxes and unpacking. I’m also tired because I have been forced to grieve the items of my deceased loved ones. All of these forgotten, hidden treasures have been resurfacing now that they are no longer tucked away in my closets. Bottom line: I must face these items in order to get my house back to base line and now I am grateful I have some help with moving forward.

In a way, it’s a beautiful blessing. I’m really standing by the “Love it or Leave It” principle and am truly releasing what does not bring me joy. I will bless other people’s lives with my loved ones’ items. But I’m not gonna lie. I needed the help to get moving and to keep moving. I diffused my frankincense and myrrh oils. I saged my house with dried white sage. I opened all the windows and I prayed and asked for help. And boy did I get it. Bountiful, beautiful, get-her-done energy came flying my way so I could get my house in order so our everyday life could run smoother. I’m so grateful for this shift in my house and for my house getting put back together. We still have a little ways to go but I felt like I completed a week’s worth of work in one single day, thanks to my frankincense and myrrh. Grateful!

Because I realized old stuff is heavy- no matter what it is.  Old clothes, old tasks, old chores, old habits, old thoughts.  The longer we think about something, the heavier it gets and the harder it is to change it.

So do what you can to help support yourself to make that change.  If you can change your energy around it, you will find that it will be easier to change that “old” anything. Your life will thank you for it.




If you’d like to learn more about these essential oils, you can click here: Doterra Oils

I can’t wait to hear how your house energy is this week. Did you try the essential oils? Did you try saging? What have you done to help change the feeling in your house to make it lighter and brighter? Please share your tips with all of us!

Love and Blessings,


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  1. Jill

    I have tried EVERYTHING to lift the energy in my rental home – I will surely try this and am hopeful! Can candles work as well?

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