I have an accountability partner for my business. We assign ourselves our own tasks for the week and push ourselves to move forward in whatever area of our business feels like needs the most attention that week. We talk the same time, same day, every week and hold each other accountable for the items we promised ourselves we would do. I credit this system to pushing me to complete things I’m not sure I could have ever completed on my own. It’s been amazing. AND…it got me thinking…
Why couldn’t we have accountability partners for our grief healing process?
It’s a long road. It requires multiple steps. We often need encouragement along the way. We often want to let ourselves off the hook. We often need someone to keep us on track. So this week, we’re going to use an accountability partner to help us complete 1-3 healing activities this week. Choose a few of your favorite blogs over the past two years and finally complete them and begin the healing. Here’s how the partnership piece works:
Rules for the partnership
1) Choose your own tasks for the week
2) Swap tasks with your partner via phone, email or in-person
3) Double check that you haven’t taken on too much. After all, we are doing this to help heal ourselves, not overwhelm ourselves. (This is where I struggle.)
4) Check back in at the same time and day next week and provide your completion report. Celebrate your successes and support each other through your struggles.
Because here’s the thing…you’re just not going to let someone else down. You may let yourself off the hook. The sheer act of you telling someone else you are going to complete a task will keep you on task. I’ve seen this happen in my own life with people who aren’t even my accountability partner. I’ve said I would do it and then instantly felt compelled to complete the task. It’s amazing.
I’ve watched this system work miracles in my life. Alone,I would have let myself slip. I would have let myself push stuff off. But once I have another person holding me accountable, I would not show up to that call without completing my work. The great thing that happens is that you move forward. You push yourself in ways you wouldn’t normally and you begin to see progress.
So let’s try this out with our grief this week.
Find a partner or put a note in the comments down below that you’d like an Angel Birthdays community partner and we’ll match you up. Then decide 1-3 things for you to do this week to help you heal your heart. Perhaps your partner holds you accountable for journaling every day this week, perhaps you email them your gratitude list each day, perhaps you decide to walk three times this week. Whatever grief healing tasks you choose, tell your partner and have them hold you accountable for it. You will be shocked how this simple shift of having someone else watching over you and cheering for you will motivate you to finish.
I can’t wait to hear the tasks you choose and how your partnerships work out for you this week. Be sure to be good to yourself. This is not about overwhelm. This is about slow progress that we actually complete to heal our hearts. If you don’t have a partner, tell us in the comments and we’ll pair you up with someone. We can’t wait to hear your stories!
Sending you big love!
Love and Blessings,