Private Sessions
I’m so happy to have you here and I’m looking forward to walking your healing journey with you. We spend so much time working out, eating right, trying to get 8 hours of sleep that we often don’t realize that the emotional experiences in our lifetime, if left unhealed, will produce physical ailments in our body.
This is what drives my work.
I am constantly seeing experiences from childhood and adolescence that are either creating physical or emotional blocks in the adult bodies of my clients that with a little love, attention and energy shift heals that space for them. Once healed, the frustrating experiences we continue to attract into our life begin to dissipate and we find ourselves more peaceful and grounded. I am so passionate about my work and am so happy to bring this healing to you.
Reiki is a safe, natural, high frequency system of healing. It is one of the most powerful systems of healing available at this time.
Reiki works at a Soul level, treating the cause of any condition, promoting very deep healing and transformation. During a treatment, both practitioner and recipient are connected to pure divine energy. This allows very high vibrational energies to help release physical, ancestral, emotional and karmic imbalances.
I’ve been attuned for Level 1&2 in Usui Reiki and as a Master Teacher in Angelic Reiki. I have also been trained in Aurasoma and could not love this healing tool more. It is a self-selected spiritual homeopathy that helps us release the deep rooted emotions that are holding us back from our highest potential. Want to learn more about Aurasoma? Click HERE.
I look forward to booking an appointment with you and joining you on your healing journey. Email me for the next available appointment at
Love and Blessings,
*A 24-hour cancellation notice is required to cancel an appointment without full charge of the session.